Create unforgettable team memories!

  • Crossbow shooting by torchlight, farm Olympics, archery by torchlight, ice chiseling, gift treasure hunt, mini golf

Restaurant Raten, Oberägeri ZG

Event, view, food, and all in the canton of Zug? Then we have the perfect location for you. Let yourself be inspired by the possible activities.


Focus on the flickering light as you draw your bow. As soon as it gets dark, shoot your arrows through the night.
Crossbow shooting will be the talk of all your events. Do it like Wilhelm Tell and aim for the middle of the apple target.
Who has what it takes to be a farmer? Show your skills in typical Swiss stations.

Let the Ice Melt: Under expert guidance, you will create ephemeral works of art out of ice in small teams.

We will organize a treasure hunt in or around the house at the location of your choice with lots of little gifts. No one goes home empty-handed.

“If you watch a game, it's fun. If you play it, it's recreation. If you work at it, it's golf." – Bob Hope, American comedian

10. PER

    Cost estimate

  • nothing selected
  • CHF 1,200
  • CHF 1,200
  • CHF 1,400
  • Not available
  • CHF 2,400
  • CHF 1,400
  • Not available
  • CHF 1,150
  • Not available

Restaurant Raten

For 50 years – the panoramic restaurant in the canton of Zug!
You are at 1077m above sea level at one of the most beautiful vantage points in the canton of Zug. Enjoy the view! – that is the motto! Here you will find an innovative dining, excursion and event restaurant that is well known beyond the region.

Restaurant details

Restaurant Raten