Create unforgettable team memories!

  • 10
  • 2 to 3 hours
  • Outdoors


A refreshing event at and above water

Experience a new way of hanging out with water. This refreshing, fun, with (not in!) water event is fun for the whole group.

10. PER

    Cost estimate

  • nothing selected
  • CHF 1,400
  • CHF 1,200
  • CHF 1,200
  • CHF 1,200
  • CHF 1,800
  • CHF 1,200
  • CHF 1,200
  • CHF 1,800
  • CHF 1,400
  • CHF 1,400
  • CHF 1,400
  • CHF 1,400
  • CHF 1,400
  • CHF 1,400
  • CHF 1,800
  • CHF 1,800
  • CHF 1,800
  • CHF 2,000
  • CHF 2,250
  • CHF 2,500
  • CHF 2,250
  • CHF 2,250
  • CHF 2,000
  • CHF 2,250
  • CHF 2,500
  • CHF 2,500

Sun, sand and fun

Almost like being on vacation – you automatically feel like you’re on the beach. Host the event on the beautiful sandy beach near Weesen, or closer to the company's address, you will get to know a different side of water. A truly refreshing with (not in) water event like you've probably never experienced before.

Always above the water

After understanding the instructions, things get off to a flying start. Do your best at the stations in small groups: fish with fishing rods, transport valuable water through the air, throw water balloons or find out how the water can be used to your advantage. Things can get a little hectic while on the ferry ride. Concentration is the name of the game while bringing the precious “cargo” safely through the course in the small paddle boat. Lots of great games with a high fun factor in the most beautiful surroundings. Always at or above water.

And don't forget…

Even though the event is held at and above water, you still come into contact with its refreshing properties quite often. It's not that bad. We recommend that you take spare clothes with you and of course your bathing suit in warm weather. Changing rooms are available on site if the event is held at Lake Walen. The team event can also be held in cool weather, but it may be a little “harder”. You can play it safe and book an equally fun indoor program (e.g. puzzle hunt, team games, etc.) at the same time, which will calm your (planning) nerves. Booking a backup event is available for a small additional charge.


All material, supervision by experienced guides.
The group travels to and from the location
Why not spend a whole day in the Walensee - Kerenzerberg region. There are a lot of pleasant surprises waiting for you in eventerlebnis’s home region. Food, accommodation, great programs whether short or long, beautiful seminar locations and more - everything from a single, competent source.
Whole Switzerland, water access (at least Waserhanen if the event is not held on a lake)

Casual clothing, spare clothes, possibly swimwear (not absolutely necessary), possibly rain protection, sun protection

10 to 100 people

Nothing special, enjoy new activities

May until October