Create unforgettable team memories!

  • 10
  • 1 to 2 hours
  • Indoor, Outdoor


hit the apple

Crossbow shooting will be the talk of all your events. Do it like Wilhelm Tell and aim for the middle of the apple target.

10. PER

    Cost estimate

  • nothing selected
  • CHF 1,050
  • CHF 900
  • CHF 900
  • CHF 900
  • CHF 1,400
  • CHF 900
  • CHF 900
  • CHF 1,400
  • CHF 1,050
  • CHF 1,050
  • CHF 1,050
  • CHF 1,050
  • CHF 1,050
  • CHF 1,050
  • CHF 1,400
  • CHF 1,400
  • CHF 1,400
  • CHF 1,600
  • CHF 1,850
  • CHF 2,100
  • CHF 1,850
  • CHF 1,850
  • CHF 1,600
  • CHF 1,850
  • CHF 2,100
  • CHF 2,100

A pleasure for everyone

The supreme discipline of shooting events, also for women. The medieval weapons guarantee points and the best are celebrated at the end of the team competition.

Crossbow-shooting is valued as a sport that challenges both body and mind. Test your ability to concentrate and control the body. With a little practice, calm and composure, your arrow will hit the target.

Are you planning crossbow shooting in the evening in winter? Then we recommend the atmospheric Crossbow-shooting by torchlight.

The beginning is easy

No prior knowledge required. You don't have to be William Tell to hit the apple with the golden shot while crossbow shooting. An experienced guide will introduce you to this art and give you all the help you might need.

Crossbow, bow and blowgun shooting?

Crossbow-shooting will be the talk of all your events. For example as a supporting program before or during an aperitif? If the group is larger, we recommend our Shooting triathlon.


Indoor, Outdoor
All material, instructions and support from qualified guides from eventerlebnis
Travel of the group to and from the location, any space or room rental, folding tent can be rented in case of rain
Very suitable as a post during a post run. Crossbow shooting can ideally be designed as a competition. In addition to counting points, there are many other original approaches to competition... How about hitting your visualized goals, for example?
All of Switzerland

Casual clothing, sun and/or rain protection

5 to 60 people

Nothing special, at most a portion of playfulness and desire to achieve goals

All year round