Create unforgettable team memories!

  • 60
  • 1 to 2 hours
  • Outdoors

milk can fondue

Outdoors and without annoying smoke

Enjoy the delicious cheese fondue outdoors. At dusk and dark the milk can fondue becomes a cozy outdoor event at a location of your choice in the whole of Switzerland

10. PER

    Cost estimate

  • nothing selected
  • CHF 800
  • CHF 600
  • CHF 600
  • CHF 600
  • CHF 950
  • CHF 600
  • CHF 600
  • CHF 950
  • CHF 800
  • CHF 800
  • CHF 800
  • CHF 800
  • CHF 800
  • CHF 800
  • CHF 950
  • CHF 950
  • CHF 950
  • CHF 1,200
  • CHF 1,500
  • CHF 1,800
  • CHF 1,500
  • CHF 1,500
  • CHF 1,200
  • CHF 1,500
  • CHF 1,800
  • CHF 1,800

At the location of your choice

Enjoy a delicious cheese fondue outside in the forest. A winter highlight for clubs, companies or even birthday parties. Especially at dusk and at night, the milk can fondue becomes a romantic outdoor event at a location of your choice throughout Switzerland. Great locations include a forest hut, on a farm, in your garden or on your company premises. We will come to you and bring the necessary infrastructure for the milk can fondue with us.

Fondue pot

The fire in the milk can melts the cheese and warms you without annoying smoke while you eat at the place of your choice.

Make it the Grand finale

Decorate the evening with an addition of the Farmer's Olympics, with ice chiseling, one of our snowshoe tours or with some Archery by torchlight. Then, enjoy a delicious outdoor fondue from the milk can! We will bring everything with us: milk cans and extra long forks so that your fingers don't get burnt, as well as a fondue apron where you can store your bread and wine glass to have your hands free.


All material, fondue à discretion (house-made fondue mix), bread, fruit, pastries, drinks (natural and sweet mineral water, coffee, tea), on-site support from a guide
If someone is allergic to cheese, we can also bring something else.
Zurich, Basel, Lake Zurich region, Lucerne, Zug, Schwyz, Engelberg, Aargau, Winterthur, Frauenfeld, Appenzell, Glarus, St. Gallen, Rhine Valley, Sargans, Bad Ragaz, Chur, Thurgau, Ticino, Solothurn, Graubünden, Bernese Oberland, Valais, All of Switzerland
Travel of the group to and from the location, pitch or hut rental, alcoholic beverages

Warm clothes for sitting/standing outside

5 to 60 people (larger groups on request)

Nothing special

Autumn winter